Friday, April 29, 2011

Laboratory #9 Operational Amplifiers 1

This was a long lab which we did for two days. It was basic using the amplifiers increase the small input voltage, and make it bigger when becomes the output.
Before we start the lab, we read the lab, so that we knew the op-amp that is actually consist of a lot of resistors, transistors and capacitors. According to the material, we could calculate the set up first. We got Ri(theoretical)=1K, and Rf(theoretical) for 10K. In addition, we used both power supply for 6V.  The Rx just equal to V^2/P=288, Is=V/Rx=.02A. The maximum setting for Ry which is just 1/0.02A=50ohms, but the actual we had is 51ohms. In order to know the Vth, we did figure out the current first, which is 6/288=0.1717A, so by using the KCl, -6+288*I=-Vth, so the Vth=2.9V. After all the calculations, we set up out circuit by using Ri=988ohms, Rf=9.87kohms, Rx=297 ohms, a the vary resistor,and V1=12.12V, V2=12.13V.

As the image set up, we measured out group of data the Vout=0.019V,-2.5,-5.07,-7.55,-9.94, so the gain that we had which are all around 10. Then we measured Vri=0.003V,0.25V,0.5V,0.75V,0.99V,so we could calculate the Iri=0.003mA, 0.253mA, 0.506mA, 0.759mA, 1.002mA. Also the Vrf that we got are 0.019V, 2.53V, 5.09V, 7.6V, 9.97V.
For the last part that we did in the lab was measuring the Iv 1 and Iv 2, that we got 0.6mA, and 0.99mA, and we thought out data was good.  For calculating the power for each one just P1=V1*I1=12.12*0.6mA=7.272mW and P2=V2I2=12.13*0.99mA=12.0087mW. 
After doing this lab, i feel more interesting because we actually did some stuff which change something. I am looking forward the second op-amp lab.

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